{{鸿运元蹄}}/ Prosperous Braised Ham Hock (Non Halal)
材料 Ingredients...
去骨元蹄(Deboned Ham Hock) - 1 piece ( about 1 KG)
黑酱油 Dark Soy sauce - 1 tbs to Colour
1. 用黑酱油为元蹄上色,吹风扇让干。
Use some dark soy sauce to seal the whole stuff , expose it to a fan
2. 干后,烧热油炸至皮起泡,色变金黄。炸时注意翻面,利用锅盖来当热油喷起。皮器泡,脂肪流失,但肉部分避免过份熟。
After dry deep fried it in heated oil , if not using much oil , turn each sides once at a time. Hold the wok lid to protects the hot oil pops. Deep fry until te skin all done , the fat all done , but the meat part should not over cooked.
3. 原粒元蹄浸在冰水里至少15分钟,去油腻。
Dip in ice water for at least 15 mins
## 卤汁 To make the Sauce
水 water - 1000ml
酱油 soy sauce - 330ml ( use some non saltish basesoy sauce )
黑酱油 dark soy sauce - 1 tbs
南乳 Namyu with the juice - 4 cubes (the preserved red bean curd)
绍兴酒 Cooking wine - 100ml (stir into namyu to dilute)
冰糖 a piece of rock suger - 50g (it will make the skin looks shinny)
八角 star anise 1 pcs
肉桂 cinnimon a bit only
青葱 spring onion 1 stalk
方法 Methods:
1. 将所有材料放在一锅子中,煮滚,加入元蹄,卤水必须浸过元蹄。关盖,然后转至最小火,焖煮至少2 小时。
Bring all ingredients to boil , dip in the knuckle , make sure the gravy cover the knuckle.Cover with lid , bring to smallest flame n simmer for at least 2 hours , mine 3 hours , because i use rinnai stove , the flame is as small as candle light , the cooking is like poaching , soak to cook , so every thing will be very tender.
2. 好时,将元蹄转至深盘上,围一圈煮熟的蔬菜。
While done, take out the knuckles n serve on a plate , arrange some boiled vegetables on the sides.
3. 现在的卤水有很重的胶质和肉味,我们现在只须用200ml的卤水加200ml的水 , 1汤匙的蚝油,3汤匙的绍兴酒,3汤匙的玉米粉水勾芡,关火后加入几滴麻油调匀,然后淋至元蹄之上。趁热品尝~
The sauce now full of gelatine from skin , only 200ml of the soy gravy and 200ml of water to cook the sauce . Stir in 1 tbs oyster sauce ,3 tbs cooking wine , and 3 tbs cornstarch solution to thicken well. If you got some good sesame oil , add in lastly while finishing , few drops is enough , by not cooking it. Pour the sauce on the ham hock and serve.
Serve Hot ~
Bon Appetit~