鱼肉豆腐煲 Braised Fish Meat and Tofu in Claypot Photo By : Ailin Goo
Hi friends , today i am going to share with you another simple and easy dish which is very popular at my restaurant.You may find it interesting as rice it is really a tasty dish that very rice going ,your whole family will love it . ( hehehe except those who do not take fish )
Hope you all will like this dish ~! Happy Cooking Happy Day~!
今天为大家介绍一道在店里很受欢迎的一道料理 ,简单的烹调,简单的材料,没有什么花样,只有那另人温暖窝心的美味。砂锅里有鱼肉,有菜,有豆腐,营养也很均衡。从材料到酱汁都可吃到一滴不剩,唯有那砂锅吃不得。全家大小都会喜欢的一道菜(除了不吃鱼的人除外,呵呵)
希望大家会喜欢, 祝大家喜乐安康~!
Braised Fish Meat and Tofu In Claypot
份量 Yield Size - 3 to 4 pax
#材料 Ingredients:
煎鱼,豆腐的食油 Pan fry tofu n fish's cooking oil - 100 ml
豆腐 Tofu - 1 block ( cut into six pieces,lay on kitchen towel to soak excessive moise to ease the frying process )
水 water - 2 cups ( chicken stock is preferable)
生粉水 tapioca or corn starch - 1 tbs
青葱粒 - 1 tbs
鱼肉片 sliced fish without bones - 200g
酱油 soy sauce - 1 tsp
盐 salt - a pinch
胡椒粉 pepper - a pinch
糖 sugar - a pinch
义香麻油 Ghee Hiang sesame oil - 1/2 tsp
水 water - 2 tbsp
# 沾粉 (调匀) To Coat ( mix well)
面粉 wheat flour - 4 tbs
玉米粉 corn flour - 4 tbs
*Methods :
Marinate sliced fish meat with all the ingredients stated for 5 mins , then coat with the flour mixture ,lay on a plate and never overlap to prevent stick together. Set aside.
洋葱丝 shredded onions - 1 tbs
姜丝 shredded ginger - 1/2 tbs
辣椒丝 sliced chillies - 2 slices
青蒜子 leeks - 1/2 stalks
高丽菜 cabbage - 3 tbs
胡萝卜 carrot - 3 slices
蒜茸 minced garlic - 1/2 tsp
粒豆酱 whole grain bean paste - 1 tsp
好的酱油 top grate soy sauce - 2 tsp
蚝油 oyster sauce - 1 tbs
料酒 cooking wine - 2 tsp
麻油 是esame oil - 1 tsp
# 调味 Seasoning
盐 salt - 1/2 tsp
糖 sugar - 1/2 tsp
做法 :
1) 各自把材料(A) ,(B) 在各自准备好备用。
3) 把炒锅烧热,下100ml油,烧热至冒烟,关中小火,下豆腐慢煎至两面金黄。盛起备用。
4) 再添少许油,再烧热,再关中小火将沾好粉的鱼肉,煎至熟,金黄。盛起备用。
5)将油倒起,剩下大约 1 汤匙油在锅中,慢火下洋葱,辣椒,姜丝爆香,续下蒜子,高丽菜,胡萝卜,蒜茸扁炒几下。
6) 下豆酱粒,酱油,蚝油,麻油,料酒爆香,加水,调味,勾芡,下豆腐,关锅盖大火焖煮2分钟。
7) 在等待期间,将预热好的砂锅放在盛器上准备好上菜。
# Methods:
1) Prepare (A) and (B) seperately.
2) Preheat a Claypot.
3) Heat up a pan or a wok with medium flame , add in 100 ml oil . Turn to smaller flame when oil start to smoke . Put in TOFU and slowly pan fry each sides until golden brown.Set aside.
4)Add some oil into the same pan , heat it up , then turn to smaller flame then start pan fry the coated sliced fish meat , fry each sides until golden brown. Set aside.
5) Pour away excessive oil , leave like 1 tbs oi in the pan , stay small flame , put in onions,chillies,ginger and saute until fragrant, continue with leeks, cabbage, carrot and garlic, slightly fry.
6)Add in bean paste,soysauce, oyster sauce, seseme oil and cooking wine and stir fry until fragrant , then add in water , seasoning and thicken with the diluted starch. Add in tofu and cover with lid ,simmer in stronger flame for 2 minutes.
7) Set the preheated claypot on an underliner .
8) Open the lid , stir a bit , add in fried fish slices , stir a bit more , and pour on the preheated claypot, garnish it with some spring onions rings , Serve really piping HOT ~
Hope you will enjoy the meal.
Bon Appetit ~
** For thos who do not take fish , it is also nice to use the same recipe for chicken breast , deboned chicken whole legs cut into cubes, pork slices .