

Some dish for your porridge or rice? Make something different from your normal steamed pork menu , try this old school recipe uses salted egg yolk as the combination with the minced pork. Savoury and fragrance of the salted egg yolk makes a perfect match with minced pork patie ,a simple preparation and interesting dish for your meal with family.




Steamed Pork with Salted Egg Yolk

材料 Ingredients


较肉 Minced Pork - 250g

冬菜 Preserved Vegetable (Dong Choi)- 1/2 tsp ( 用水浸泡沥干 Soaked in water,drained well)

金蒜末 Fried minced garlic - 1/2 tsp

姜末 Minced ginger - 1/2 tsp

咸蛋黄Salted egg yolk - 2 pcs (用袋子包着然后用罐子砚扁,切丁Cover the egg yolk with the plastic bag , flatten with bottle or rolling pin diced)

马蹄粒 Diced Water Chestnuts - 4 pcs

酱油 Soy sauce - 1 tbs (好的酱油 top grade soy sauce)

麻油 Sesame Oil - 1 tsp

鸡蛋白 Chicken Egg White - 1 tbs ( 不是咸蛋白Not the salted egg white)

玉米粉 Corn Starch - 1 tsp

#把材料较匀抛搭后弄成肉团子放置在耐热瓷碟上或不锈钢碟上备用。Mix well,knead well , throw and punch a bit.. LOL shape into a patie and lay on a heatable chinaware or some stainless steelware.


咸蛋黄Salted egg yolk - 1 pcs (用袋子包着然后用罐子砚扁,切块,放在肉团子上轻轻压扁 Cover the egg yolk with the plastic bag , flatten with bottle or rolling pin, cut into pieces,lay on the pork Patie slightly press)

热鸡汤热开水 Hot Chicken Stock Or Hot Water - 200 ml (注入热烫备用 Pour in Hot stock set aside.)


葱花 chopped spring onions to garnish

方法 Methods

1)预热蒸笼,将整盘肉放进蒸笼内,关好盖子,大火蒸 10分钟 让咸蛋黄化油。

Preheat your steamer , place whole plate into the steamer , cover it well amd steam under strong flame for 10 minutes until the salted egg yolk drips oil.

2)洒上葱花,趁热品尝~! Garnish with Spring Onion rings

Serve Hot ~

Bon Appetit~!!




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